Training & Consultancy

Workshops, Training and Consultancy Packages
What's Your Culture?
Intro to Aboriginal Cultural Competency Workshop
Attendees are introduced to key concepts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety which create the foundations of culturally competent staff and organisations.
​Individual experiences of culture, knowledge of differing cultural world views are and explored and attendees discuss ways to apply knowledge of these concepts in their work practice.

Respectful Yarns
Foundational Skills in Aboriginal culturally comptent cross-cultural communication
Respectful Yarns is designed to familiarize attendees with broad communication norms in Australian Indigenous communication and provide a safe space to practice cross-cultural communication techniques..
Attendees leave the workshop with a coolamon or toolkit of effective foundational cross-cultural communication techniques and skills.

Unpacking Privilege;
How cultural bias informs professional practice with Indigenous Australians. Facilitated Yarn
This session is facilitated group yarn with purpose. This session is designed to generate discussion, questions and provide clarification of common terms in cultural safety policy and procedure.
If you’re unsure of the professional context of white privilege or have had heard the phrase “that’s not culturally safe” and wanted further clarification and were unsure how to ask this is the training for you!

Consultancy and Training Package Design
$95 hr for single or once-off sessions.
Rates for ongoing in-house training and training package designs starting from $500.